The Thurnscoe Harmonic Male Voice Choir [Music Festival 2017]

Saturday 30th September at 7.00pm

[This event forms part of our Muisc Festival for 2017]

The choir started in 1924 and is quickly approaching its 90th Anniversary.

It remains one of the premier male voice choirs in the country. Over the last ten years their reputation has gone from strength to strength: over the years the choir has won over 100 awards in major competitions, including a second place in the International Eisteddford. Their list of engagements never shortens and one has to marvel at their energy and commitment. They will be joining us again at this year’s annual Wentworth Church Festival, a festival that the choir has been very privileged to be invited to and attend since its inception.

Thanks to Tony Jermy the musical director and Irene Hill the accompanist, the choir is renewing and revitalising its repertoire, from old pot boilers to new pop chart songs, while ensuring that the “Thurnscoe Sound” remains as compelling as it always has.

Please note this concert starts at 7.00pm.

Tickets cost £7 (or £6 for concessions) and are available from Wentworth Village shop, or by contacting Richard Taylor on 01709 527713. Alternativly, please complete and return the booking for below.

Series tickets that cover all events/concerts in this year's music festival cost £32, (£27 for concessions)


Any unsold tickets will be  available on the door immediately prior to the event (subject to availability)

Music Festival PosterMusic Festival Booking Form

 To book tickets for the above events, please follow the instructions on the booking form or buy on the door


Please note, in order to download the booking form you  may need Adobe Reader or alternative PDF software