Escafeld Chorale - The Christmas Story in Words and Music
Saturday 11th December 2021 at 7.30 pm
Once again, Escafeld Chorale, a mixed-voice choir based in Sheffield, will present a Christmas concert in Wentworth Church. Last year, the concert could not take place due to covid restrictions, but that is the only year to be missed since 1994.
This year’s concert will take place on Saturday, 11th December at 7.30 pm and will comprise the usual mix of choir music, readings, and carols for the audience to join in. Unfortunately we shall not be serving refreshments this year due to the hazards of spreading coronavirus, so you will miss mulled wine and mince pies! Perhaps next year . . .
Tickets will be available from early November from Roy Smalley (phone 01909 560795) in church on Sunday mornings, and also from Wentworth Post Office. They will cost £8.00 in advance, or you can pay at the door, but it will then cost £9.00. A programme is included.
Come and enjoy some lovely Christmas music in a beautiful warm and welcoming church. You won’t regret it!!
We rely on you to ensure that you are fit and well before arriving for the concert. Hand sanitisation will be offered on entry to the church and Face Coverings will be advised until seated. Unfortunately, there will be no refreshments available, in order to minimise movement around the church. Naturally, should the Government decide to enforce any restrictions they will be followed. We are sure that these simple considerations to Covid19 will not affect at all your enjoyment of these splendid concerts and we are again looking forward to meeting you there.