Spring Organ Concert


Christmas Organ Concert


Christmas Services and Events 2023


Escafeld Chorale 2023

Escafeld Chorale, a mixed choir based in Sheffield, will be presenting their annual Christmas concert in Holy Trinity Church, Church Drive, Wentworth (S62 2TW) on Saturday, 9th December, at 4.00 pm.

​The choir will sing Christmas music from several centuries, and there will be traditional Christmas carols for the audience to join in. The music will be interspersed with seasonal readings.

​After the concert, the choir will serve mince pies and hot mulled wine (or tea or coffee if you ask for it)

Wentworth Church Music Season 2023


Organ Concert - 14th May 2023


Licensing of The Revd Marie Raffay

The Churchwardens invite you to the Licensing by the Bishop of Sheffield The Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox and the Installation by the Archdeacon of Doncaster The Ven Javaid Iqbal of


The Revd Marie Raffay


As Priest in Charge and Oversight Minister of the Parish of Wentworth within the T2 Mission Area on 30th April 2023 at 6:00 pm in the Church of Holy Trinity, Wentworth.


Clergy are requested to robe (choir dress) Robing for visiting clergy is in the South Transept


RSVP to: Mrs Sheila Wood, sheilamike@ talktalk.net

Easter Services 2023



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