Garden Party 2021

BuntingSaturday 26th June 2021, starting  shortly after 2.00 pm


(Subject to lockdown easing) 

There will be plenty of exciting stalls, bric-a-brac, cakes, games and novelty events, Come rain or shine!


Easter Services 2020

PlamCrossMonday 29th March 10-30

Prime (A short said service)

Followed by a short time for private prayer and reflection

Tuesday 30th March 18-00

Compline (A short said service) Church open at 16-00 Followed by a short time for private prayer and reflection

Wednesday 31st March 14-00 till 16-00

Readings and Meditations

Thursday 1st April 18-30 

Maundy Thursday Eucharist of the Last Supper

Friday 2nd April 14-00 till 15-00

Good Friday Liturgy of the Cross Reading and Prayers

Sunday 4th April 09-30 10-45

Easter Sunday

Holy Communion (Harley) - 9-30

Parish Communion (Wentworth) 10-45


Covid protocols need to be followed. Max. of 50 Congregation at Wentworth

Christmas Concerts 2020.

Just a little rather sad update on our Christmas Concerts

I'm sure that it is of no surprise that both the Escafeld and York Waits concerts have to be cancelled this year. I know that the Escafeld have been practicing remotely, the plan is for them to sing at Christmas outdoors, presumably around Sheffield.

I asked York Waites if they would like to pass on a message via our database.

New Organist and Choirmaster

The Parochial Church Council are delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Chris Viney DipSAA as Organist and Choir Master.

We are extremely fortunate to welcome Chris into our church family. Chris has many years of experience in church music and has given numerous diverse concerts and organ recitals.

We are confident that Chris will add to the rich musical heritage of Holy Trinity Wentworth and we give him a very warm welcome.

Church Reopening

We’re reopening from Sunday 6th September at 10:45. You are very welcome to come; we look forward to seeing you wearing your face covering.


Music Festival 2020

We trust that you are keeping well and that this dreadful virus has been kept away from you and your loved ones.

As we write, Wentworth Church has still not made the decision to open for Sunday worship. We need to continue to be safe and treat this Virus with all respect.

I'm  sure, although very disappointing,  it will come as no surprise, that the 2020 Wentworth Church Music Festival has had to be cancelled due to the unprecedented challenges set by Covid19. 


Dear Friends,


As you may know, the Church of England have told us to stop holding public services; the Church continues to be alive and active, but our buildings must close.

We are seeing a huge increase in the number of people falling sick with COVID-19. and therefore we must distance ourselves from one another and prevent the spread of infection in order to save lives.

Therefore, as well as public worship being suspended, this and all church buildings in the Church of England are now closed. 

Our worship of God and our care for each other continue but cannot be done in this building.

In the light of this we have been having a think about what we can do to maintain our spiritual life together at this unprecedented time. To help with this, we have spoken to Rev John Armstrong, the Rector of Wombwell, he is happy for us to advertise a link to his website.

(i) Beginning on Thursday morning 19th March, 2020, he will live stream on YouTube a short morning Bible reading and prayer time. He is thinking of 9.30 am as a start time for this. He will do this every morning at the same time, except on his day off and on Sundays.

(ii) On Sundays at 10.00 am, he will livestream on Youtube a short service with prayers, music (hopefully) and a full length sermon.

To protect the vulnerable amongst us, please do not leave your home except for essential trips, inline with goverment advice.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength . . . Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” 

The Church Wardens

The York Waits - Make We Joy Now in this Fest - Music for the Feast of Christmas

York Waits

Friday 20th December 2019 at 7.30pm

The YORK WAITS are popular performers of early music – from the Middle Ages to the Tudor period – and since the 1970s they have played throughout the UK and in many countries overseas, releasing ten recordings.


At this concert – joined by singer Deborah Catterall – they will perform music for the festive season from many countries and several centuries using a wide range of instruments that include shawms, sackbuts, curtals, recorders, bagpipes, hurdy gurdy, fiddle and rebec, creating a magic sound in the fine surrounds and acoustics of the church.


Come to hear the York Waits in the splendid surroundings of the Neo-Gothic Church in Wentworth. Festive refreshments will be served during the interval.

Tickets cost £12 (or £10 for concessions) and are availalbe by completing the booking form below.


Music Festival Booking FormYork Waits Booking Form

To book tickets for this events, please  follow the intrsuctions on the booking form.

For more information or help with your booking , please contact Stephen Clampham on 01226 744084 or via the Musical Enquiry category on our Contact Page

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