Music for a Summer Evening 2019

Saturday 29th June 2018 at 7.30pm.

The Tom Downing Collier Memorial Concert: An evening of songs and piano music with Kate Hyland-Collier and Richard Taylor.

We do hope you can join us in this fundraising event for Church funds and Leukaemia Research.

For further details or to book, please use the attached booking form.


The Richard Taylor Concert: Thurnscoe Harmonic Male Voice Choir

Thurnscoe HMVC LogoSaturday 11th May 2019 at 7.00pm

The Thurnscoe Harmonic Male Voice Choir is well known to Wentworth. It was formed in 1924 and is now recognised as one of the premier male voice choirs in the country. Over the last few years their reputation has gone from strength to strength, winning over 100 awards in major competitions.

Come to hear the choir make music in the splendid surroundings of the Neo-Gothic Church in Wentworth. Refreshments will be served during the interval.

The members of the Choir are hosting this concert to thank Richard Taylor for his work over the years in promoting music in its many forms in Wentworth Church.


Easter Services 2019


Palm Sunday - 14th April
8.15am Holy Communion
10.45am Palm Procession and Parish Communion 

Monday 15th April
7.30pm Compline - A short siad service 

Tuesday 16th April
10.30am Prime - A short siad service 

Wednesday 17th April
2pm - 4pm - Readings, Meditation and Prayer (join and leave as you wish)

Maundy Thursday - 18th April
7.30pm Eucharist of the Last Supper

Good Friday - 19th April
2.00pm Liturgy of the Cross - Hymns, Readings and Prayers
7.00pm The Cross of Christ - A Choral devotion with Hymns,Readings and Anthems 

Easter Sunday - 21st April
8.15am Holy Communion
10.45am Parish Communion

Mothering Sunday 2019


Join us on 31st March 2019 for Mothering Sunday. Services for both our Churches are as follows: 

9.30am at Harley
10.45am at Wentworth

Tallis Consort

ImageSaturday 23rd March at 7.30pm 

Christmas Services 2018


Sunday 16th December
6.30pm Nine Lessons & Carols

Monday 17th December
7.00pm Carol Service at Harley

Saturday 22nd December
2:00pm Christingle and Nativity at Harley

Monday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
5.00pm Carols by Candlelight and repeated at
6.15pm choose which service suits you the best. 
11.30pm Midnight Mass at Harley Mission Rooms

Tuesday 25th December (Christmas Day)
10.45 am Christmas Communion

You are welcome to join us for any of these services, but please note that they may change depending on the availabilty of clergy.

The York Waits - Make We Joy Now in this Fest - Music for the Feast of Christmas

York Waits

Saturday 22nd December 2018 at 7.30pm

The YORK WAITS are popular performers of early music – from the Middle Ages to the Tudor period – and since the 1970s they have played throughout the UK and in many countries overseas, releasing ten recordings.


At this concert – joined by singer Deborah Catterall – they will perform music for the festive season from many countries and several centuries using a wide range of instruments that include shawms, sackbuts, curtals, recorders, bagpipes, hurdy gurdy, fiddle and rebec, creating a magic sound in the fine surrounds and acoustics of the church.


Come to hear the York Waits in the splendid surroundings of the Neo-Gothic Church in Wentworth.    Festive refreshments will be served during the interval.

Tickets cost £12 (or £10 for concessions) and are availalbe by completing the booking form below.


Music Festival Booking FormYork Waits Booking Form

To book tickets for this events, please  follow the intrsuctions on the booking form.

For more information or help with your booking , please contact Richard Taylor on 01709 527713 or via the Musical Enquiry category on our Contact Page

Escafeld Chorale: Christmas Concert 2018 - A light in the darkness


Saturday, 8th December at 7.30 pm

Escafeld Chorale: A light in the darkness

This mixed choir of over fifty people will sing Christmas music, and you will be invited to join in some of the items. The music will  be interspersed with seasonal readings, some of which may be quite funny.

Tickets will be available  by completing the booking form, or from Roy Smalley at the Church.

Tickets in advance cost £8.00, or you may pay at the door, where the cost is £9.00.  This will be the twenty fourth successive year that this concert has been held at Wentworth.


Be sure you don’t miss it!


7 Booking FormEscafeld Chorale Booking Form

To book tickets for any of the above events, please  follow the intrsuctions on the booking form. Alternatively tickets are also available on the night.


7 Booking FormEscafeld Chorale Poster

If you would like to advertise this event for us, we would be very grateful. Please use the above poster file.


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